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Data Analytics

Data analytics is the process of examining data sets to draw conclusions about the information they contain.  Our team uses CaseWare IDEA to perform data analytics to assist clients in using data already contained in the financial records to:

  • Determine fraud risk;

  • Sort and categorize data by a selected filter;

  • Detect duplicate or unusual transactions or gaps in a sequence;

  • Find anomalies in the data;

  • Summarize data by age, vendor, or debtor/creditor; and

  • Customize data analysis for client’s needs.

A few data analytics tasks we can perform include:

  • Import your records including spreadsheets, and exported data from databases, accounting programs, ERP systems and T&E applications in formats such as PDFs, plain text (.txt), print-report (.prn), ODBC and SAP;

  • Access 100+ common audit functions including Benford’s Law, fuzzy duplicate, gap detection, summarization, stratification, sampling, and more;

  • Discover and visualize your data to create charts and field statistics so you can quickly visually pinpoint patterns, trends and outliers; and

  • Record every step of your analysis so you have a clear audit trail and can repeat the process for future analyses.

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